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With our client-centered services, we are committed to making a difference in the lives of the people we work with. Our aim is to enhance opportunities for active support to empower people with disabilities to live independently. Our belief is that everybody should be able to realise their full potential which is why we go the extra mile to help you get there.
We promise to deliver the best service for our clients and their families by delivering on our goals and embracing change and innovation at Access Disability Services. Our ability to adapt to the changing needs of people with disability puts us at the forefront of service excellence.
To best help and serve our client we have a team of dedicated individuals who are ready to support you and build meaningful and respectful relationships. Understanding how we work together to build positive relationships and achieve your goals is our priority.
• Freedom, we believe that our customers should be able to take charge of their own lives.
• Money and Financial freedom
• Community and building healthy relationships.
• Your health and wellness.

Still have you any problem for solutions?

For any inquiries relating to my Retail and Leadership Programs or Coaching and Mentoring services feel free to speak to me personally by call us during business hours.

Head office address:

3556 Hartford Way Vlg, Mount Pleasant, SC, 29466, Australia.

Call for help:

(734) 697-2907
(843) 971-1906

Mail for information:
