
There are changes to some of our policies due to COVID.

At Access Disability Services, the well-being and health of our customers, staff, and our community are of the most importance. In this light, we are taking very important preventive measures to ensure that we all at Access disability services stay safe from the COVID-19 virus. We have taken steps regarding the outbreak of this virus to protect our community and customers.

NDIA (National Disability Agency), released new changes to plans and funding as a result of this COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Changes Regarding Reviews The NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) has issued that, if a person has a planned review coming up, the NDIS will contact said person either by email or phone. As a result of the virus outbreak, face-to-face meetings has been canceled. A person will be asked if they will like to have a phone review. The person can request the plan to be in place for 24 months. If such a person’s plan is due to expire soon, then the plan will be automatically extended by 365 days. The person does not have to do anything on their part as the plan will automatically extend.
  • Changes Regarding Cancellation Rules

Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, there have been temporary changes to the cancellation rules. It is now mandated for people to give their providers 10 business days’ notice of cancellation of supports. If the mandated 10 days is not given, the providers can now go-ahead to claim 100% of the agreed service.

  • Changes in claims

There has been a temporary 10% increase in claims. Providers can now increase their payment claims by up to 10% for the following support services.

  • For assistance with daily life. (This excludes supported Independent Living)
  • For assistance with the community and social involvement/participation.
  • For improved Daily living skills.
  • For improved health and wellbeing (This excludes personal training)
  • Support Coordination Items

A total of three new support coordination items have been introduced under Core Supports and Assistance with Daily Life to the Support Catalogue.

  • 01-790-0106-8-3, Level 1: Support Connection
  • 01-791-0106-8-3 Level 2: Coordination of Supports
  • 01-793-0106-8-3 Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination

All these new changes have been effective since March 25th of 2020. If any of the participants believe that they don’t have enough funds, they should contact NDIS immediately. NDIS has a team of two dedicated people who will answer any questions that the participant may have.